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Good Vibes GV is a creative, culture driven streetwear brand that celebrate, commemorate and highlight the hyper-local.


We shine light on the little things that make/made our lives brighter, and bring to the foreground all of the nuanced - often unspoken - traditions and quirks that our local communities have to offer. Sparking the conversation of connectivity, we aim to connect cultures, and offer fresh insights about what's  often overlooked.


Our mission: To make the local, global.


Logo Development

LOGO GV.1 // 19

We wanted a "timeless", minimalistic, typographic logo (as opposed to an illustrative graphic) to portray the notion of effortless flow , simplicity, and connectivity - the nature of positive energy.

MASCOT // 21

The pigeon has been featured in an myriad of literature, art, and sculptures by many of the great empires throughout history, from Mesopotamia to Egypt, through to Rome.


The Sumerians, Greeks and Romans saw the pigeon as a symbol of passion. Egyptians believed them to bring good fortune, fertility, and longevity, and are scribed in many religions - and records from ancient civilizations - as trusted messengers. They’re always local, yet never celebrated.

We chose our mascot, because pigeons are ubiquitous. They have strength in number, and this enables them to add value to our cityscapes by creating more flora, through the process of seed dispersal.


In much the same way, G.V. will add value to fledgling businesses, through the process of dissemination.  This monogram is symbolic of taking brands under our wing, and giving them the help they need to take flight.


The typography used is "Coolvetica" - a derivative of the renowned Helvetica- as it balances masculine and feminine forms - acknowledging the notion of duality, balance and inclusion - a concept that rings true for many neighbourhoods and communities irrespective of geography.

For 62 years Helvetica is heralded to be the best font in the world. The notion of it being  seen and used everywhere for 62 years but still being deemed as the best, is a legacy that we too aim to obtain.


Resonating with the left (or logic) side of the brain, yellow stimulates our mental faculties and creates mental agility and perception.


It’s the lightest hue of the spectrum, and in terms of colour psychology: uplifts, illuminates, offers hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. It is the colour of original thought and inquisitiveness.


Yellow is related to: the ego and our sense of self worth, how we feel about ourselves and how we are perceived by others.





The Socials

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